CHS Old Girls – Minutes of A.G.M. held in 38 Lodge Rd on Monday 7th October 2013

Apologies:    Heather Burns, Alison Martin, Dorothy Mills

Present:    Mrs Bell, Amanda Wilson, Laura Douglas, Carolyn Pauley, Jennifer McQuillan, Anne Curry, Alison Steen, Christine Oliver, Heather Hamilton, Noreen Taggart, Hazel Kennedy, Adrienne Sherrard

Amanda gave everyone a warm welcome especially to Adrienne Sherrard on her return to the OGA and to Mrs Bell.  After signing the minutes of last year’s AGM, Amanda reported that the committee had decided to create more social events both to fundraise and to encourage more former pupils to come along and get involved.  The movie night which was organised as a result was a great success.  The annual dinner hosted reunions for 10, 20, 30 and 40 years, with over 100 guests in total.  Again there was the opportunity to have photos taken and purchased on the evening and to participate in the “Heads or Tails” game which has become a great fundraiser.  Amanda thanked Anne Curry for running the game.  Amanda went on to say that the Old Girls’ Association continues to fund the honours and colours systems in school which provide a great link for the association with the girls in school.  She thanked the committee for all their help, especially in relation to the work that was done in opposition to the NEELB’s proposal for the school.  Amanda announced that her intention was to step down from the role of chairperson next year and that Laura had agreed to be Vice-chairperson this year to help with the workload.  Amanda said that she was pleased to have been at the helm as the OGA began to evolve through the electronic means of Facebook and Twitter in addition to the website.  She informed everyone that everything for the archive is now stored in a room in 38 Lodge Road and perhaps someday a home will be found to display the items properly.

As treasurer, Jennifer went through the accounts and stated that having looked at various interest rates, she is going to revisit the Nationwide for further information.  She reported that we had been overcharged to the cost of 10 photos at the annual dinner but she will get it sorted out.

The re-election of Amanda Wilson, Anne Curry, Alison Steen, Heather Hamilton, Noreen Taggart, Hazel Kennedy and Dorothy Mills was proposed by Laura and seconded by Christine.  Adrienne Sherrard was included in this group.  Amanda was re-elected as Chairperson having been proposed by Noreen and seconded by Jennifer.  Amanda proposed and Carolyn seconded the nomination of Laura Douglas as vice-chair.  Carolyn retained her post as secretary after being proposed by Laura and seconded by Amanda.  Heather Hamilton seconded Amanda’s proposal that Jennifer stay as treasurer the role of Recorder stayed with Anne Curry after Carolyn proposed her

Dates for the diary: next meeting    Monday 4th November 2013 at 7.30pm in No 38 Lodge Road
Christmas night out on Monday 2nd December 2013
Annual Dinner in the Lodge on Saturday 10th May 2014

After Amanda presented Mrs Bell with the plaques for the Head Girl and Deputies, Mrs Bell brought greetings from the Belfast Branch along with their assurance of support.  Mrs Bell said that the last year had been a very stressful and emotionally draining year.  She was grateful to the OGA for their support and she commented that a great strength of the school was the commitment of the staff.  She reported that the new VP would be arriving just before half-term and that Mrs Hamill was helping out in the interim.  Examination results were very good last year and the German department was highlighted as all grades were A* or A.  Mrs Bell was proud to inform the members present that the Sports Council had awarded CHS as School of the Year.  The multi-cultural day had been a great success but the highlight of the year had been the rock band at the end of term.  On the issue of the area development plan, Mrs Bell said that the consultation process was flawed since only 3 of 7 local schools were under pressure to change.  Relationships with CAI have broken down but hopefully those will be restored. Mrs Bell closed her report by thanking the Old Girls for their support in both the area plan proposal and in the continued provision of the honours and colours.

During the summer Ellen Pauley had worked on creating a new database for the Old Girls and so at the close of the meeting, Amanda handed over a gift for her by way of thanks.

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