Old Girls Association - Reunion Dinner
End of an Era Reunion Dinner 2025
We were just wanting to let you know that it is now 10 years since Coleraine High School officially closed and the new school, Coleraine Grammar School was founded.
The final closure of the Lodge Road site in 2024 was another reminder for many of their history at CHS and the OGA was asked about organising a reunion dinner, something which we had hosted annually until Covid 19 prevented our 2020 get-together.
Traditionally we organised reunions for year groups celebrating 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or more years since they left CHS, but you may have missed one of those milestones since 2019.
So, by popular demand, as a one off, end of an era event, we have again booked the Lodge Hotel for a reunion dinner on Saturday 31 May 2025 and would be delighted if as many of our past pupils and former teachers as possible could arrange to join us for a 3-course dinner, with drinks reception in Coleraine and make the time to meet up with fellow classmates and reminisce about the good old days at Lodge Road.
We will take bookings via our website – colerainehigh.co.uk and would ask you to indicate the year you left CHS, so that we can seat you with those from your era. If you would like to become involved in organising your own table, please contact us through Facebook, messenger or via the website.
We look forward to seeing you there!
On the evening you will also be able to purchase the Coleraine High School book which was published the year the school closed as a memory for all those who attended CHS during any era of the school. On the night the book will be reduced from £15 to £5.
Please speak to the following ladies regarding any further information regarding the reunion:
10yrs (left U6 2015) –
20yrs (left U6 2005) –
25yrs (left U6 2000) –
35yrs (left U6 1990) – Karen McLeod – karenmcleod31@gmail.com
40yrs (left U6 1985) –
45yrs (left U6 1980) – Janet Patrick (nee Lyttle) – Janetpatrick@btinternet.com
55yrs (left U6 1970) – Noreen Taggart – nertaggart@gmail.com